in Game Dev+Unity

Unity Engine Tips & Best Practices – Mobile Games

I’ve been working on the Unity game engine for more than a year now and this year I happened to attend GDC 2014. Here is what I gathered from a combination of sessions and from my own experiences. If you’re a Unity developer here are some tips that might come in handy or will reaffirm […]
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in Unity

Making a Successful Mobile Game – The Golden Rules

The title of this post says “The Golden Rules” but what I learnt so far is that there are no golden rules to making a successful title. There are no set parameters that you can get right, they vary greatly depending on your game idea, the genre, the platforms you’re targeting, the people...
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in Game Dev+Unity

How to Detect Swipes in Unity

While working on the Endless Runner Kit and Run Sheeda Run (both products of, the first thing to do was to detect swipe inputs to get the basic controls working. When a user swipes on the screen they swipe in an angle starting from the starting to the ending point of their finger’s contact […]
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in Game Dev+Unity

How to Export a Complete Unity Project

While working on Ultimate Endless Runner Kit I came across a problem. I had my own custom Layers and Tags to make use of the Unity’s physics editor to define which objects will interact/ collide with which. Exporting the assets folder in your project does not export the editor settings. To export all the...
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